Yearling black wolf of the Wapiti Lake Pack.

Just a few days old, this elk calf explores the neighborhood.

Another young calf stays close to Mom.

Now that's a big grizzly! This is when I really appreciate my long lens.

Just a couple of months old, this pronghorn fawn prances away from Mom.

Mule deer poses, near Lake Butte.

Grizzly strolling thru Hayden Valley.

A pocket gopher pauses mid-chew.

Bald eagle in flight over Mary Bay.

Pelican formation above the Yellowstone River in Hayden Valley.

Trumpeter swan checking the water quality of the Yellowstone River..

Great Blue Heron in the marshy estuary of Pelican Creek.

Great gray owl along the Elephant Back Trail. Lots of fluff on his head and chest indicate a juvenile.

A glorious summer day in Hayden Valley.

Misty sunrise near Yellowstone Lake.

Red fox on the hunt for field mice.

Ring-necked pheasant searches but there's much to eat in this freshly plowed field.

Sandhill crane searching for a nest site along the Madison River.

Bald eagle above the Lamar River, hoping a trout rises to the surface.

Young bison calf keeping up with mom.

Cinnamon teal on a wetland pond near the East Gallatin River.

Marsh wren takes a break from nest-building.

Eared grebe on calm waters. Those eyes a little creepy.

Yellow-headed blackbird balances on a cattail on a windy day.

Snow flurries don't bother this black wolf of the Wapiti Lake pack. Normally residing in Yellowstone's interior, a few members of the pack visited the park's Northern Range in early spring.

Another member of the Wapiti Lake pack.

This yearling of the Wapiti Lake pack is more cocoa-colored than black but it takes a while for yearlings to reach their final color. It's almost like they're trying out one color, then another.

Rose Creek meanders thru Lamar Valley in early spring

The bluebirds are back! There may be snow on the ground but their arrival announces spring is almost here.

Lamar Valley in early spring, looking east.

An industrious muskrat in the early morning light, looking for nesting material.

Ice starting to break up on Yellowstone Lake. There's plenty of snap, crackle and pop as it fractures.

Western Meadowlark rests on well-worn farm equipment.

I'm not sure why this black bear was growling. Maybe he got up on the wrong side of his hibernation bed.

A milky blue pool on Mammoth's upper terrace.

Two elk cows in a May snow squall. Most of the cows in this herd were heavily pregnant with calves due in early June.

This black bear is keeping tabs on her twins.

Pronghorn female near the Lamar River with May's ever-present snow flurries.

Not much water flowing over the 300-foot Lower Falls in mid-April. As soon as Yellowstone Lake thaws, the Falls will roar all summer.

Red-tailed hawk riding a bucking bronco! With gusts to 50 mph, it was hard for the hawk to hold on to the tree top, about as hard as it was for me to hold on to my camera.

Sandhill crane on a frozen lake, probably wondering what happened to spring weather.

Wild turkey strolls the neighborhood.