Just a few days old, this elk calf explores the neighborhood.

Another young calf stays close to Mom.

Mule deer poses, near Lake Butte.

Two elk cows in a May snow squall. Most of the cows in this herd were heavily pregnant with calves due in early June.

Bull moose looking for love.

Exploring the neighborhood.

Hello! I think he was considering walking in my back door.

Bull elk near Canyon Junction - after hustling his herd into the forest

Newborn elk calf hurries to keep up with mom.

Curiosity - yearling moose at Warm Creek

A few minutes later, mama moose joins the yearling.

Looking for trouble? Four bull moose hanging out together in Yellowstone's Round Prairie in late spring. Their antlers are just beginning to grow and will reach the usual gigantic size in autumn.

On the move! A bull elk hurries back to his herd along the Madison River.

Grizzly stalks an elk herd in Hayden Valley; all escape unharmed.

Turn-about is fair play! Elk chasing wolf.

Peek-a-boo. Two elk peer over a snow bank.

Wary group of elk, near Yellowstone's Otter Creek

Sleepy-eyed moose calf, about 10 months old, near Geode.

Nibbling the willows - moose and her calf, born last summer.

Waiting out the storm, a moose beds down in a shallow cut.