Wild turkey strolls the neighborhood.

Ring-necked pheasant searches but there's much to eat in this freshly plowed field.

The bluebirds are back! There may be snow on the ground but their arrival announces spring is almost here.

Marsh wren takes a break from nest-building.  

Yellow-headed blackbird balances on a cattail on a windy day.

Western Meadowlark rests on well-worn farm equipment.  

Pair of Red-Shafted Northern Flickers (red sideburns on the male)

Yellow-Headed Blackbird resting on a cattail.

Red-Winged Blackbird squawks!  You can't really call it a song.

Oh what a beautiful morning!  Yellow Warbler in full-throated song.

Who's zooming who?  No explanation for the sudden departures of this Belted Kingfisher and Red-Winged Blackbird.

Evening Grosbeak waits his turn at the birdfeeder.

Yellow-Headed Blackbird on the lookout for flying insects.

Female kingfisher taking a break.

Yellow-headed blackbird in splendid breeding colors

Ring necked pheasant, Gallatin Valley

Ring-necked pheasant pauses when he hears my camera click

Dusky grouse, Mt Washburn
Gray partridges, Sourdough Trail
Gray partridge, Gallatin Valley
Dusky grouse, Mammoth Hot Springs

At rest - a tree swallow in the nest, while two more stand guard

American Dipper hops out of the rapids with a tasty crustacean for breakfast

Stellar's Jay
Pine Grosbeak, Male
Pine Grosbeak, Female
Hairy Woodpecker
Black capped chickadee near the Sourdough Trail
Above the action, a mountain bluebird enjoys a high perch in Hayden Valley
Clark's nutcracker at Crater Lake
Red winged blackbird, Sourdough Trail
Clark's Nutcracker, Yellowstone Lake
Western meadowlark, Gallatin Valley
Yellow rumped warbler, Tower campground
Mountain bluebird at Yellowstone Picnic area
Calliope hummingbird, Mesa AZ
Cedar Waxwing, Canyon Ferry
Mountain bluebird, Round Prairie
Yellow-headed blackbird, Floating Island Lake
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