Just a couple of months old, this pronghorn fawn prances away from Mom.  

Young bison calf keeping up with mom.

A young bison calf, still damp from birth, is already up on wobbly legs and sticking close to mom.

Mid-April but still no green grass for this troop of bison.

Pronghorn female near the Lamar River with May's ever-present snow flurries.

That horn reveals a long life.

Boys will be boys!  Two bison in a shoving match.

Pronghorn female looking good in October, ready for winter.  

Sun-framed pronghorn. His horns may eventually reach 12-14 inches or more.

Time for a snooze - a bison enjoys a warm day.

Bison calf just a few days old. They lose the umbilical cord at about a week old.

What's up with the raised eyebrow?  

Female pronghorn scans Soda Butte Valley.  It's that time of year so maybe she's looking for a spot to give birth.  

Male pronghorn settles in for a nap.

Female pronghorn pauses for her portait, Old Yellowstone Trail

Followed a few moments later by a male pronghorn, hurrying to catch up with her.

Biosn, Lamar Canyon

Bison near the Yellowstone River

A bison calf wears mom's tail as a hat.

Grizzly: "I'm hungry for fresh meat."  Bison: "Don't even think about it."

In sub-zero temperatures, this bison was lucky to find vegetation in Trout Creek.

Still formidable but bearing the scars of life - damaged horns, an injured eye or maybe a cataract.  Near Steamboat Point.

Breakfast time, Hayden Valley

Bison calf ready for afternoon play, Hayden Valley

Heading my way!

Bison after a refreshing swim
Bison on a snowy road
Bison calf working off some excess energy
Juvenile bison takes a break
Bison on a foggy morning in Hayden Valley
Morning mist in Fountain Flats
Bison near Yellowstone Lake Hotel
A frosty October morning
Bison enjoy a Hayden Valley summer
Bison calf at rest in Lamar Valley
Carefree days of bison youth
Bison cross frozen section of Lamar River
Bison portrait
Do you think he's checking the sign for typos?
Bison calf rambling through sagebrush
Bison bull, Hayden Valley
Bison stirs up a dust storm

Male pronghorn on Yellowstone's northern range

Pronghorn At Rest
Pronghorn near Tower Junction
Pronghorn fawn in Little America
Pronghorn on the move
Pronghorn near Rescue Creek Trail
Pronghorn fawn near Specimen trailhead
Pronghorn cruise up to 50 mph
Pronghorn and fawn near Yellowstone picnic area
Pronghorn and fawn in Little America
Pronghorn with twins
Pronghorn portrait
Pronghorn fawn in Little America
Pronghorn in Little America
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